Posts in Wednesdays with Wodline
Wednesdays with Wodline: Launch Week

Yesterday I launched my “Write the Vision Challenge”.

WRITE THE VISION CHALLENGE is a 90-day online challenge to encourage people to commit one hour a day to complete a task towards achieving one lifetime goal.  During the challenge I will be posting weekly tips and encouragement to keep those participating motivated.

I originally wanted to do this challenge privately, but I was led to share it with others.  My “Spotlight Saturday” blog posts motivated me to start this challenge.  If you haven’t read any of them, I encourage you to do so this week.  After publishing these posts week after week, I began to realize I haven’t been giving my all when it came to some of the projects I started to work on. I saw that I was putting more energy into the dreams of others while mine was put aside.  How could I let that happen?  I refused to close out 2015 without completing the projects I started this year.

Last month, I put together a personal challenge as to how I was going to finish these projects.  After I created the challenge, I debated whether or not I should share it online.  The introvert in me wanted to keep it to herself, but that would be too easy.  I had to get out my comfort zone and share it with friends, family and the internet world.  For those who know me well, posting the video invitation for the challenge was a huge step for me.  I’m the woman who likes to work behind the scenes.  After going back and forth with the idea of posting the video invitation, I eventually gave in and recorded the message.  It was actually fun working on it.  My son found it entertaining to watch me go through the recording process. He’s the best!

“Great things never came from comfort zones.” –Unknown

Over these next 12 weeks, I encourage you to join me on this challenge. I’m excited to share what’s been on my heart.  It is my hope that you will be empowered and inspired to pursue your God-sized dreams.

To learn more about the challenge click --> Write the Vision Challenge

Your girl,
