MUSIC MONDAY: "I Get to Love You" by Ruelle


Today's MUSIC MONDAY pick is I Get to Love You by Ruelle.

I heard this song last week watching a groom this song to his bride via an Instagram post. The minute I heard the song I knew I had to find out who originally sang the song. Thank you GOOGLE!

It's a beautiful love song to add to your wedding playlist!

Be sure to check out the groom's rendition of the song by following the hashtag #untilforeverisnow on Instagram. I absolutely loved it even though it was a short clip. The couple even livestreamed their wedding ceremony. How thoughtful is that?

Love is a beautiful thing!

Wishing you a wonderful week!

"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." - 1 Corinthians 13:13

Your girl,
